[ubuntu-cloud] Message error when instaling node..

Paul Graydon paul at paulgraydon.co.uk
Fri Aug 20 08:48:57 BST 2010

  On 8/19/2010 9:30 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> On 08/20/2010 08:07 AM, Indra Suryatama wrote:
>> I got this error when installing node..
>> Could I still runging eucalyptus on this node?
>> tq
>> Best Regards
>> Indra Suryatama
>> +6285742865348
> You seem to be installing UEC inside virtualbox ? That would horribly 
> slow if it ever worked. KVM needs CPU virtualization features like 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_virtualization#Intel_Virtualization_Technology_for_x86_.28Intel_VT-x.29
> Virtualbox doesn't expose those I suppose, thus the error you're seeing.
> In short if you can install UEC to physical nodes, you'd be much 
> better off

It will work if you're doing it for basic testing purposes, but don't 
expect anything wonderful!

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