[ubuntu-cloud] Ubuntu Cloud Sever

Peter Kaminski kaminski at istori.com
Mon Aug 2 22:33:04 BST 2010

Ubuntu folks, please note that the original message in this thread is 
SEO spam.  The payload is the links at the bottom of the message (I've 
defanged them by removing "http://"):

> My jobs:
> #######radiologydegreeonline.net/panoramic-dental-radiography/and
> #######onlinenursinggraduate.com/military-nursing/

The same message content without those spam links appears in this post 
from 2010-05-21:

Questions about Cloud computing and Ubuntu Cloud server?

Admins, you might consider removing this thread from the web archives 
and moderating the poster, if you can.

Apologies for the off-topic (but meta-relevant) content of this post.


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