[ubuntu-cloud] Ubuntu Cloud Sever

Kapil Thangavelu kapil.thangavelu at canonical.com
Mon Aug 2 21:51:34 BST 2010

So cloud computing is computing as a public utility, like electricity or  
phone service. You have a number of public utilities that provide for  
using computing cycles in an on demand fashion, that bill you based on  
usage. That's the core essence, but you'll find there are many variations  
on the definition. From software as a service (SAAS), ala google docs, to  
platform as a service (PAAS) ala google appengine or salesforce, to  
infrastructure as a service (IAAS) ala amazon AWS.

Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud (UEC), provides for running a private cloud  
(infrastructure as a service) on physical hardware with the same api as  
amazon aws. This enables organizations to utilize their investments in  
cloud computing across the public/private IAAS cloud divide. Currently UEC  
provides private cloud api implementations specifically for the EC2  
machine api and the S3 file storage api.



hope that helps,


On Mon, 02 Aug 2010 16:28:52 -0400, Terry Talim <melanyor at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have an idea of what cloud computing is but I would really like to  
> truly
> understand
> This is what I know or at least think I know please tell me if I'm wrong  
> or
> if there's more to it.
> I believe cloud computing is like using a thin client the programs you  
> are
> using are not stored or run on the local computer but on a server or  
> group
> of servers. Also the data is not saved on the local computer but on  
> servers.
> Some examples of cloud computer are productivity software such as Google
> docs. Another example is remote storage such as Ubuntu one or Dropbox.
> What can Ubuntu Cloud Sever be used for? Is it just remote storage or is
> there more to it then that?
> Thank you very much I know I'm asking for a lot
> Terry.
> Email: meleii at gmail.com
> My jobs:   
> http://radiologydegreeonline.net/panoramic-dental-radiography/and
> http://onlinenursinggraduate.com/military-nursing/

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