[ubuntu-cloud] euca2ools and ec2 tools problem

Neil Soman neil at eucalyptus.com
Fri Oct 16 18:50:27 BST 2009

I was unable to reproduce this against the source. There is a
dependency problem with the package in Karmic (eucalyptus needs ecj,
but it was missing from the deps).

Thanks for reporting it.

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 4:54 AM,  <J.O'Loughlin at surrey.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi
> I've installed a cloud controller and a node using  9.10. I can upload
> kernel, ramdisk and image as admin and as a user I can start an a eucalyptus
> instance. However I seem to be having a problem with
> euca-describe-instances and also ec2-describe-instances:
> when source my eucarc as the admin user:
> jo0006 at orion:~$ ec2-describe-instances
> RESERVATION     r-4D6708D4      jo0006  default
> INSTANCE        i-410F07A8      emi-34350D42
>  running         0               m1.small
> 2009-10-15T18:01:46+0000        nebula  eki-4636126D    eri-984613B1
>         monitoring-false
> but when sourcing as a normal user:
> jo0006 at orion:~/euca-user1.6$ ec2-describe-instances
> VmControl: Unable to load dialect
> 'org.drools.rule.builder.dialect.java.JavaDialectConfiguration:java'
> euca2ools-describe-instances produces no output at all (as normal user).
> although the instance has started and runs on the node.
> Any help much appreciated.
> Regards
> John O'loughlin

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