[ubuntu-cloud] Adding a node?

Mathias Gug mathiaz at ubuntu.com
Wed Nov 11 21:46:17 GMT 2009

On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:29:09PM -0700, Benjamin Campbell wrote:
> benji at node1:/var/log/eucalyptus$ euca-describe-availability-zones verbose
> AVAILABILITYZONE        campbell
> AVAILABILITYZONE        |- vm types     free / max   cpu   ram  disk
> AVAILABILITYZONE        |- m1.small     0000 / 0000   1    128     2
> AVAILABILITYZONE        |- c1.medium    0000 / 0000   1    256     5
> AVAILABILITYZONE        |- m1.large     0000 / 0000   2    512    10
> AVAILABILITYZONE        |- m1.xlarge    0000 / 0000   2   1024    20
> AVAILABILITYZONE        |- c1.xlarge    0000 / 0000   4   2048    20
> I would appreciate any insight or clue as to where to proceed from
> here in order to have the node recognized.

I'd start by looking at the log files in /var/log/eucalyptus/ on the NC and
making all the relevant processes are running on the NC.

Mathias Gug
Ubuntu Developer  http://www.ubuntu.com

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