[ubuntu-cloud] Call for testing: updated Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron AMIs

Scott Moser smoser at ubuntu.com
Thu Nov 5 18:16:35 GMT 2009

Hi all,

After releasing Ubuntu 9.10 on EC2 last week [1], I've had some time to
breathe, and take a look at refreshing the 8.04 LTS builds.

Under bug 429120 [2] we are working to release new 8.04 builds updated
with stable release updates and fixes to severe bugs.  There are now
automated "daily" builds occurring twice weekly.  They will be registered
on ec2 and published to [3].

The largest user visable bug that is fixed in these images is 308530 [4],
which would cause instances to not be reachable via ssh.

If you are at all interested in using updated released versions of 8.04
AMIs, I ask that you please test these images and give feedback.  The only
way we can ensure that the updated images are regression free is with your

Without further ado , the following is probably what you're interested in:
us-east-1 ami-c540a3ac ubuntu-images-testing-us/ubuntu-hardy-daily-amd64-server-20091105.manifest.xml
us-east-1 ami-f740a39e ubuntu-images-testing-us/ubuntu-hardy-daily-i386-server-20091105.manifest.xml
eu-west-1 ami-1f23086b ubuntu-images-testing-eu/ubuntu-hardy-daily-amd64-server-20091105.manifest.xml
eu-west-1 ami-11230865 ubuntu-images-testing-eu/ubuntu-hardy-daily-i386-server-20091105.manifest.xml

Please test these, doing whatever you have done with the previous hardy
images. And respond here, or with new bugs in launchpad.  I will try to
keep updates to bug 429120, so subscribe yourself to that bug if you want
to follow this.

The EC2 builds listed above are testing only.  You are encouraged to use
them to test. However, they will be un-registered and deleted on a rolling

Once we have good confidence in the builds, we publish a release version,
which will *not* *ever* be removed.

More information about removal of testing builds can be found at [5]

[1] http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/release/
[2] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/429120
[3] http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/hardy/
[4] https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/308530
[5] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEC/Images/NamingConvention

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