[Ubuntu-Classroom] Plans for UOW,UDW,UADW, and User Days

José Antonio Rey jose at ubuntu.com
Sun Jun 15 17:21:35 UTC 2014

I have to agree here. I find IRC sessions more inclusive. I know various
people in the community who live on a limited connection, so that would
mean no Classroom for them anymore. Also, we have participants and
instructors who may not want to appear on screen due to various reasons,
or manage the language as good as like to go on a video to speak for an
hour, which makes him refuse the invite. As well, there's people who can
not listen to English. We have to remember that there is always a
language barrier when participating in this kind of things, so what we
should try is to lower that to the minimum level possible.

On the other hand, as Lyz mentions, we, as volunteers, have to attend
work or school, and in my case I can not livestream while attending a
class. That would be a little... disrespectful. I can, however, use my
phone to connect to IRC and help when needed.

Again, I do not think we will be moving from IRC-based sessions to
Ubuntu on Air!. We may have some pros, but I feel like the cons are big

On 06/15/2014 06:46 AM, Elizabeth K. Joseph wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 8:26 AM, Svetlana Belkin
> <belkinsa at ubuntusense.com> wrote:
>> In the recent Ubuntu Online Summit (UOS) Community Roundtable [1,2,3],
>> we discussed for plans to use UOS to replace (at least) UOW.  My first
>> question is what are your plans for these events that you normally host?
>>  And my second one is, if you plan to bundle up these events with the
>> UOS, are you willing to to have them ran in Hangouts on Air?
> I've been resisting moving them to On Air because it means I can't
> participate. Running IRC-based sessions works well with my schedule
> (video doesn't, can't multitask) and I find them much more valuable
> since I can skim text-based logs in a few minutes and search for what
> I'm looking for (hard to skim video, impossible to search). I also
> worry that doing a full presentation on a video will take a lot more
> prep time than doing an IRC-based session and our pool of available
> contributors to this is also smaller since it restricts it only to
> folks who have really good bandwidth, so even planning these will be
> more difficult. It's much easier for UOS or Q&A to do videos since
> it's more of a conversation, not so much a presentation.
> That said, as my schedule increases to get busier this year, I'm not
> sure I'll have a lot of time to work on Classroom anyway, so if
> someone else wants to work on this and move in the direction of
> video-only events, I won't stand in the way.

José Antonio Rey

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