[Ubuntu-Classroom] lernid bugs

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue Jun 21 17:51:34 UTC 2011

On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 10:15 AM, John S Gruber <johnsgruber at gmail.com> wrote:
> Currently I am looking at improving Lernid when it faces network
> problems (mostly at start-up), and I also hope to have addressed each
> of the critical and high priority bugs on the list with the possible
> exception of LP: #793788 (slides). While we won't be able to speed up
> the connection process (LP: #604773) we can try to set reasonable
> expectations.
> I plan to release a new version by the end of this month and get it
> synced to Oneiric. I'd also like to issue another in August addressing
> LP: #793788, LP: 533279, and whatever usability issues seem opportune
> and appropriate.

Thanks for the update!

Do we want to plan on having another formal testing session when you
release at the end of the month? Just let me know.

Quick question technology-wise - what would it take to put Lernid in a
different channel for testing? We have ##ubuntu-cr and
##ubuntu-cr-chat for ClassBot testing, if we could put Lernid in these
channels we could do testing on our own without interrupting the main
classroom channels (not that this is a big deal, just a thought). I'd
still like to see the formal testing sessions in #ubuntu-classroom
though since that raises visibility of the project.

> As a favor, could I ask that the classroom teams take a look at the
> ubuntu bug list in the next couple of days and let me know if there
> are bugs which importance I have underestimated, or left as new or
> unconfirmed? Are there any essential bugs missing from the list? My
> hope is that with next week's release lernid will be fit for use in
> Ubuntu's classrooms so please let me know, in particular, which bugs
> should be considered blockers.

Will do.

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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