[Ubuntu-Classroom] Promoting Lernid PPA

Jono Bacon jono at ubuntu.com
Thu Jul 14 23:57:36 UTC 2011

On 07/13/2011 09:15 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:
> John and I have been very busily testing Lernid for the past week.
> I can't speak for John, but here are the following considerations:
> There are still problems with Lucid and Maverick (793780 which
> essentially locks up my Lucid netbook for a couple minutes and causes
> 806804 to be much worse) and Xubuntu Natty (808982) and I believe
> there are still some problems related to python changes in Oneiric.

While I can see value in us providing improvements for Lucid as it is an 
LTS, I don't think you folks should worry too much about Maverick. 
Obviously Oneiric is an edge case now with only crazy people such as 
myself running it.

> In Ubuntu Natty it's looking pretty good, but they will not be able to
> just apt-get install lernid from the standard repository because this
> will get them the old, broken version. Users will have to install
> ppa:lernid-devs/lernid-releases

This seems reasonable; I suspect most people joining learning weeks, who 
are Ubuntu enthusiasts, will be running Natty at this point.

> John - do you have the download statistics for Lernid that you shared
> with us the other day? While there were more people downloading on
> Natty, there is still a solid chunk of users on Lucid and some on
> Maverick.

Would be good to see this. :-)

> John has been doing really amazing work and this latest release of
> Lernid is a HUGE improvement but I don't think we're there yet for
> people who aren't willing to install a development ppa and deal with
> stray bugs.

Thanks so much, John, for all your incredible work. I am delighted to 
see Lernid stabalizing. In terms of the outstanding bugs, is there a 
list of critical bugs triaged that when fixed will make Lernid a viable 
option for the classroom team?


Jono Bacon
Ubuntu Community Manager
www.ubuntu.com / www.jonobacon.org
www.identi.ca/jonobacon www.twitter.com/jonobacon

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