[Ubuntu-Classroom] Promoting Lernid PPA

John S Gruber johnsgruber at gmail.com
Thu Jul 7 16:35:32 UTC 2011

I guess it's bad form to reply to your own message, but...

I just happened to reread the following I wrote and I'm concerned that
someone might infer from the very first paragraph that the classroom
team hasn't tried to have any input into Lernid at all. I'd like to
make it clear that the classroom team has been communicating with me
from the beginning, providing me with information and general
concerns, scheduling the classroom for Lernid events, and so on. In
particular there was a concern about Lernid in the face of network
problems and I spent quite a bit of time on as a result. More than one
of the team early on suggested that I try to address crashes.

No one has complained, but I wrote my report too "Joe Friday" and my
words could be misinterpreted and I'd hate for that to happen. I
really appreciate their help and input.

On Tue, Jul 5, 2011 at 11:21 PM, John S Gruber <johnsgruber at gmail.com> wrote:
> Status in short--
> No one gave me feedback with regard to your request 3 weeks ago that
> the classroom team reexamine the bug list with me.
> My own note of two weeks ago asking about blockers resulted in some
> discussion, but no one mentioned any blockers or problems with the way
> I was proceeding.
> With that in mind, I assume that the next release, unless I've really
> messed up in implementation, will make lernid supportable by and
> acceptable to the classroom team.

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