ubuntu-classroom in UWN

Seth Dudenhofer seth at dudenhofer.net
Mon Mar 10 01:39:49 GMT 2008

Nick Ali wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 3:35 PM, Seth Dudenhofer <sdudenhofer at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Nick,
>>  We are starting the ubuntu-classroom again. It has been dormant for
>>  awhile and it has been decided to revive it. The wiki is being revamped
>>  and the new members are psyched to get it going again. We are having our
>>  first classroom on the third week of March. We will be having the US
>>  teams presenting on what they are doing. Is there a way we can get this
>>  in UWN? If an article needs to be created let me know, and I will get
>>  one for you.
> Give me a 2 or 3 paragraphs on what -classroom is, its purpose, goals,
> how people can involved, what are the options for people wanting to
> get involved, etc.
> I can post it to the fridge as well.
> nick

Sorry it took me so long to reply. Here is a short paragraph. Hopefully
we will be announcing our first classroom shortly.

What is ubuntu-classroom?

A place for users to learn how to give back to the community. We want to
be able to show the millions of users of Ubuntu, how they, personally,
can make Ubuntu better. Our goal is to help show users how easy it is to
contribute to Ubuntu. We want to follow up with users to make sure they
continue to contribute.

How can you help? Join the team! We have scheduled meetings every Sunday
at 12UTC 2pm (EST) in gobby (gobby.ubuntu.com) We are looking for
presenters, we may approach you asking for help. Blog about the upcoming
presentations. Invite users to check out a presentation. Sit in on an
interesting presentation yourself. We need users to be available to help
with questions on IRC. We basically need help with everything as we are
just getting started (again).

https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Classroom (this is being redone, so check back
(our schedule calendar)

Thanks again!


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