[ubuntu-cl] Hug Day - 14 February 2008

Rodrigo Vega Bracelis rodrigovb en ubuntu-cl.org
Mar Feb 19 12:02:06 GMT 2008

karin Lizana escribió:
> 2008/2/18, Rodrigo Vega Bracelis <rodrigovb en ubuntu-cl.org 
> <mailto:rodrigovb en ubuntu-cl.org>>:
>     Pedro Villavicencio Garrido escribió:
>      > Hello Ubuntu Lovers,
>      >
>      > Thursday February 14 is an important day for all the lovers and
>     it's a
>      > perfect one for show how much you love Ubuntu. Do you want a way to
>      > express it? Perfect!, Next Thursday Feb 14 will be celebrating
>     another
>      > Ubuntu Hug Day, the package selected for this occasion is Compiz:
>      >
>      >   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugDay/20080214
>      >
>      > Our goal is to deal with all of the bugs on that list.
>      >
>      > Who can join the Hug Day? Everyone. You don't need to be a developer.
>      > You don't need to know to code. Everyone is welcome. If you don't
>     know
>      > how to help, then just come and we'll explain you everything.
>      >
>      > In a Bug Day, you can
>      >  * work in a nice team,
>      >  * make sure the bug reporters' concerns are heard,
>      >  * gather all the information needed so developers can fix bugs,
>      >  * close useless bugs,
>      >  * find out where the bugs come from,
>      >
>      > and eventually
>      >
>      >  * work together with upstream to make changes happen,
>      >  * get experience in hacking and fixing bugs.
>      >
>      > Where to join the Hug Day? #ubuntu-bugs on freenode IRC. And you
>     can go
>      > there every other day too!
>      >
>      > When to join the Hug Day? Next hug day is on February Thursday
>     14, 2008
>      > In all timezones.
>      > But again, you can go there every day and help with triaging the bug
>      > tracking systems.
>      >
>      > While you are welcome to apply to join the Ubuntu Bug Control
>     team at
>      > anytime, Hug Day is a great day to join!
>      >
>      >   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl
>      >
>      > If you're interested in helping to make the next release of
>     Ubuntu even
>      > better - please stop by.  And feel free to ask bdmurray, ogasawara,
>      > pedro, heno and the rest of the team for ways to help out.  We
>     hope to
>      > see you there and your name on the list of bug triagers!
>      >
>      > Have a nice day,
>      >
>      > pedro.
>      >
>      >
>     Estimado Pedro, te sugiero que en el futuro no hagas cross posting y que
>     los post a esta lista sean en castellano.
> sorry, pero creo que no tiene nada de malo que el correo esté en ingles,

Nunca dije que tuviera algo de malo, sólo que todos tienen derecho a 
leer lo que llega a esta lista, incluso aquellos que no leen inglés ;)

> puede que Pedro no tenga tiempo suficiente para hacer dos correos
> distintos, además aquellos que participan de estas actividades tienen

Estoy seguro que Pedro sabrá entender lo que quise decir y se hará el 
tiempo que necesite para hacernos llegar información en castellano.

> que tener conocimientos de ingles o no?.

francamente espero que no

> saludos.  
>     Gracias,
>     --
>     Este mensaje ha sido analizado por MailScanner
>     en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
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>     --
>     Ubuntu-cl mailing list
>     Ubuntu-cl en lists.ubuntu.com <mailto:Ubuntu-cl en lists.ubuntu.com>
>     https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-cl
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en busca de virus y otros contenidos peligrosos,
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