[Ubuntu-ch] Ubucon 14

Marcus Moeller marcus.moeller at gmx.ch
Tue Jan 21 14:11:05 UTC 2014

Hi all.

> I agree that Bern offer another public which could be interesting.
> (especially next to the train station)
> I've had a nice little chat at the end of the year with a representative
> of /ch/open/ so I was wondering if you're working with them. They would
> certainly participate. Of course the Welsch side of Swiss FOSS will too,
> if you need. (Gull, Swisslinux, freeIT, etc.)
> I'm also sure that Why! would be interested to come (pre-installed
> Ubuntu laptop and desktop computer, with a sustainable development point
> of view)

Just a general note to all of you:

Please choose YES only for one location as described in the 
introduction. Sadly the poll system does not allow to limit to either / or.

> PS: Just to say, we're planning "Fêtons Linux" this year as well and the
> date will be end of may or first days of June. The working theme is
> smartphone and tablets world. So if you contact anyone linked with
> Ubuntu Touch, I'm interested.

We have showcased Ubuntu Touch at the last Ubucon which was quite a 
success (even if it still was in a very early development stage).


> Marcus Moeller <marcus.moeller at gmx.ch> a écrit :
>     Hi Chris,
>         Thanks for sharing the information! Do you have a date (or a set of
>         dates) already?
>     Not yet, but as usual it will happen shortly after the April Release, so
>     probably in early May.
>     Greets
>     Marcus
>         - Chris
>         On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Marcus Moeller
>         <marcus.moeller at gmx.ch> wrote:
>             Hi all.
>             We are currently planning the upcoming Ubucon 14 and are now
>             to decide which
>             location to choose. We got two options: Digicomp Zurich or
>             Digicomp Bern.
>             Zurich is a well known location which has been pro ved to
>             fulfill our needs.
>             Bern is a bit smaller but located directly besides the main
>             station. Both
>             locations are good to reach.
>             One advantage of Bern would be to possibly address a new
>             audience.
>             Please vote on this page:
>             http://du7f.koalatux.ch/bHLxIW-KZh6zICposcP0WA
>             till first of February. You can also add comments there if
>             you like, but
>             communication on this mailinglist is preferred.
>             Greets
>             Marcus
>             --
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