[Ubuntu-ch] Ubucon 14

Thonacd thon_ac_d at citycable.ch
Mon Jan 20 13:55:39 UTC 2014

I agree that Bern offer another public which could be interesting. (especially next to the train station)
I've had a nice little chat at the end of the year with a representative of /ch/open/ so I was wondering if you're working with them. They would certainly participate. Of course the Welsch side of Swiss FOSS will too, if you need. (Gull, Swisslinux, freeIT, etc.)
I'm also sure that Why! would be interested to come (pre-installed Ubuntu laptop and desktop computer, with a sustainable development point of view) 

I wish you already the best of luck.

PS: Just to say, we're planning "Fêtons Linux" this year as well and the date will be end of may or first days of June. The working theme is smartphone and tablets world. So if you contact anyone linked with Ubuntu Touch, I'm interested. 

Marcus Moeller <marcus.moeller at gmx.ch> a écrit :
>Hi Chris,
>> Thanks for sharing the information! Do you have a date (or a set of
>> dates) already?
>Not yet, but as usual it will happen shortly after the April Release,
>probably in early May.
>> - Chris
>> On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 8:59 AM, Marcus Moeller
><marcus.moeller at gmx.ch> wrote:
>>> Hi all.
>>> We are currently planning the upcoming Ubucon 14 and are now to
>decide which
>>> location to choose. We got two options: Digicomp Zurich or Digicomp
>>> Zurich is a well known location which has been proved to fulfill our
>>> Bern is a bit smaller but located directly besides the main station.
>>> locations are good to reach.
>>> One advantage of Bern would be to possibly address a new audience.
>>> Please vote on this page:
>>> http://du7f.koalatux.ch/bHLxIW-KZh6zICposcP0WA
>>> till first of February. You can also add comments there if you like,
>>> communication on this mailinglist is preferred.
>>> Greets
>>> Marcus
>>> --
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