[Ubuntu-ch] I'm back! (back in... orange?)

Lucas Betschart lucasbetschart at gmail.com
Tue Feb 7 13:25:15 UTC 2012

2012/2/7 Christopher Glass <tribaal at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> Just a little ping to let you all know that I moved back to
> Switzerland, in Geneva (instead of Zurich) :)
> I will add myself to the regional contact list as soon as possible.
> Also, I now am a Canonical employee, so while I cannot speak for the
> company officially or participate on their behalf, I can and will help
> with any communication or issues at the best of my capacity :)
> Hope to see you all pretty soon,
> Best regards,
> - Chris / Tribaal

Nice to have a Canonical employee in our local community.
As you might got a lot interesting stuff to tell about your work  you could
hold a speech at our 12.04 release party? ;)  (www.ubucon.ch)

I think this would be a great bonus for advertising our release party :)
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