[Ubuntu-ch] Swiss Forum on ubuntuforums.org

Tribaal tribaal at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 07:09:08 UTC 2011


I'm one of the administrators of said forum - and I can say maintaining it
is not a big task since basically nobody uses it.
I don't see what harm there is having a LoCo presence on the boards, but if
you really feel like removing it, go nuts. I would make a sticky pointing
from there to an alternative forum, however (just make a post -I'll sticky

If you feel like using it after all, let me know (I can grant new
administrator accesses, so can Waver)


- Trib'

On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 8:43 AM, Marcus Moeller <marcus.moeller at gmx.ch>wrote:

> Hi all.
> as the Swiss Team Forum at ubuntuforums.org is completely unused, I would
> like to request a removal :
> http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=319
> If you think the forum is really necessary, raise your voice now (please
> keep in mind, that it then will be YOU then, who is responsible for
> maintaining it :))
> Greets
> Marcus
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