[Ubuntu-ch] Media Management
Myriam Schweingruber
myriam at ubuntu.com
Wed Apr 6 09:19:12 UTC 2011
Hi Marcus,
On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 08:53, Marcus Moeller <marcus.moeller at gmx.ch> wrote:
> Hi all.
> Some of you might have noticed that ShipIt has been discontinued.
Only for the general public, not for the approved LoCo Teams.
> Instead LoCo Teams are allowed to order Media Sets:
Nothing has changed there, same procedure as every 6 months :)
> http://www.jonobacon.org/2011/04/05/shipit-discontinued-long-live-loco-teams/
> If everyone is fine with it, I would like to offer my help on media
> management, meaning I would order a set for the Swiss Loco to the ETH and
> ship required amounts to ppl who are in need of (e.g. for a release event, a
> jam or an install day).
I have been handling this since several years now, but since I am
moving to Germany in 2 weeks this sounds like a brilliant idea from my
POV. (don't worry, Ulm is not that far away from Switzerland, I will
be even closer to Northern Switzerland ;-) )
I still have some postage stuff (packaging, stamps, etc), the booth
banner as well as Kubuntu LTS CDs I would be glad to hand over. Could
we organize a meet-up so I can give you the material? I will be
driving through Zürich sometime early next week.
Currently there is a conference pack ordered for the Geneva event [1]
to be shipped to Sebastien who just needs to give feedback when it has
If nobody is speaking up against that change I am glad to announce my
retirement as one of the official team contacts and add Marcus to the
list. Of course Hassan and Stéphane will remain official team
contacts. I will send a mail to the loco-contacts mailing list later
today announcing the change.
Marcus, could you please subscribe to the loco-contacts mailing list
[2] and hang out in #ubuntu-ch, #ubuntu-irc and #ubuntu-locoteams so
people can get in touch with you? You will also need a Launchpad
account if you don't have one already.
Hassan or Stéphane, could you please give Marcus moderator rights for
the Swiss Team mailing list and Op rights for #ubuntu-ch and do the
changes on Launchpad accordingly? Thanks.
I will of course stay on the Swiss Team, be it only to not loose
contact with you all :)
Regards, Myriam
[1] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam#Festival du développement
durable in Geneva, from 12 until 15 of May
[2] https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts
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