[Ubuntu-ch] Fwd: Reminder: IRC meeting tomorrow

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at ubuntu.com
Wed Aug 4 09:46:24 BST 2010

Hi DIrk,

On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:10, Dirk Deimeke <dirk at deimeke.net> wrote:
> Answering Myriam Schweingruber <myriam at ubuntu.com>
> (Sun, 1 Aug 2010 11:41:41 +0200):
> Hi Myriam,
>> this is a reminder about the IRC meeting tomorrow in #ubuntu-ch at
>> 19:00 Swiss Time. Hope to see a few of you :)
> do you have a protocol of the meeting?

Not really, as I was not even around. ..

@all: My apologies to all who were on IRC Monday evening: I had one of
my cats choking on a plastic ball and we had to rush to the vet, no
time to give notice. But good news, the cat had an emergency surgery
and is well again *sigh*.

About the meeting: there was no topic set (my bad), but I don't think
you people should not wait for me to be around when a meeting is
scheduled. A team should not depend on one person alone...

As you can see from my various recent mails, we have a few upcoming
events scheduled and should start to brainstorm about the Maverick
Release. I already filed in my ideas in the various wiki pages, please
add your ideas for the Maverick Release. We will discuss this in the
next meeting, scheduled in 13 days :)

Regards, Myriam.

PS. Dirk, I ordered a conference pack for the booth at FrOSCamp, let's
hope the new ones will be ready in time.

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