[Ubuntu-ch] Fwd: Ubuntu's Campus Plans?

Silvan Michael Gebhardt pcdog at pcdog.ch
Tue Mar 17 09:40:42 GMT 2009

Am 17.03.2009 um 10:37 schrieb Myriam Schweingruber:
> Great, added you to the list to be :)
>> regarding the switzerland-wide meeting - what about if we do that  
>> planned
>> enough ahead together with gnupingu?
>> I think with that we reach some people...
> If I say relevant groups this also includes all other groups active in
> the Free Software world, e.g. Swisslinux, GNU Generation, Wilhlem Tux,
> FSFE, ch-open, The Alternative, etc.
I know, I was thinking in terms of who has to organize the event  - I  
think Moira has some power for that kind of stuff - that was my  


>> I think we could even do that in Fribourgh...then the travel is not  
>> that far
>> for you.... Love to visit that town again anyway ;)
> Bern is OK for me, even Zurich, but I simply need to know at least 2
> months before the event to get everything organized... Guess how often
> I was  notified 2 months before an event (I was not participating by
> default like OpenExpo or Ubuntu RPs) in the last 12 month?...
> Regards, Myriam
> PS. Why do you top-post? So much for readability. I read like 100+
> mails a day, and the top-posts are a PITA and take more time to read
> for everybody!

erm....? I think I accidentially hit the forward button.... SORRY!
now curse me to death... :P

> -- 
> Protect your freedom and join the Fellowship of FSFE for 2009:
> http://www.fsfeurope.org/2009
> Please don't send me proprietary file formats,
> use ISO standard ODF instead (ISO/IEC 26300)

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