[Ubuntu-ch] Language

Dirk Deimeke dirk.deimeke at ubuntu.com
Sat Oct 25 19:54:09 BST 2008


I only want to comment two points.

> It's not about not wanting to change, it's for all the reasons
> mentioned above YOU are not aware of.

I know all the reasons that are available to the public (websites,
mailing list archives, IRC logs, ...) and most valuable, I know people.

> When we did our second release party in Bern, we learned about non
> less than 3 other install parties for Ubuntu to have happened or about
> to happen around this date. Who of these people did even bother to
> google for a Swiss team or try to contact us?

Language IS a barrier, even if it is English. Denying that seems a
little bit funny.

Due to my Ubuntu membership, I get in touch with many people who are
not sure what to do and who to ask.

As I mentioned before: You just have to be aware that you are miles behind your possibilities.



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