[Ubuntu-ch] Fwd: Release party final schedule candidate available

Ramon Cahenzli ramon.cahenzli at gmail.com
Fri May 2 08:24:09 BST 2008

Hi Trib

> Any idea what should be said about compiz-fusion in 15 minutes? That
> seems kind of long :)

Maybe youc an show the productivity features. There are a few, such as 
the Exposé copy, all the groovy hotkeys, ability to drag windows from 
workspace to workspace, highlighting the frontmost window, the ADD 
feature that darkens all non-focused windows so you can concentrate etc.

My lappy doesn't run compiz-fusion, but I'd be using it just for those 
productivity things if it would, less for the eye candy.

You could show that it looks pretty AND is useful! :)

- rca

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