[Ubuntu-ch] Production of Ubuntu and Kubuntu Swiss Remix DVD of Hardy Heron

Patrick Murena patrick.murena at gmail.com
Sun Mar 23 18:37:12 GMT 2008

Hi Matthias

On Sun, Mar 23, 2008 at 1:05 PM, Matthias Stürmer <mailinglists at stuermer.ch>

> Hi
> This Wednesday, the general assembly of /ch/open decided to finance 2000
> copies of the Ubuntu Swiss Remix of Hardy Heron including the complete
> German and French language packages. Since leanux.ch decided to
> participate in the sponsorship, we're now able to produce DVDs which may
> include Kubuntu as well. The rest of the disc space we plan on filling
> with additional (K)Ubuntu packages as well as with open source
> applications for Windows from http://www.opensource-dvd.de/  Also if
> demand is there, we can include the complete English and Italian
> language packages.
> Please let me know which OSS Linux and Windows applications you'd like
> to have on the DVD and if you have any other suggestions how to improve
> the Swiss Remix: http://ch-open.ch/sigs/ubuntu/

IMHO if you do the cd in this way it has nothing to do any more with a
ubuntu remix. You may call it the /ch/open experience or something like that

My point is simple that I don't think it's pertinent to create Ubuntu cd or
dvd which provides any apps which aren't in the repos and even worse Win app
open or not and call it the Ubuntu swiss remix. This hasn't nothing to do
with Ubuntu anymore.

Nevertheless, the idea is good I'm just complaining about the fact that it
shouldn't IMHO be called Ubuntu remix with this content.

Of course this is only my opinion and in no case the one of the whole

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