[Ubuntu-ch] Finance details of the ZH RP

Silvan Gebhardt pcdog at pcdog.ch
Thu Jun 5 10:38:09 BST 2008

Another verein?

please, DONT do it.

I only say "Wilhelmtux" now, and I know that I make Mamarok cry...


Am 05.06.2008 um 11:34 schrieb Ramon Cahenzli:

> Hi Carlos and all,
>> Because we've got now money somewhere we should have at least a  
>> wiki page
>> where everyone has the possiblity to see all our financial flow.
> I made a page as a start, just so we don't forget those 50.55:
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/Finances
>> Let's start a vote and then the new core team should do some work  
>> on creating
>> a basic chart with rules about votings and decisions. I know it  
>> won't be easy
>> but I know that with that we're prepared for the future.
> Wouldn't setting up a non-profit association ("Verein") essentially do
> all the things you mention? We'd need:
> 1. President (or council/board)
> 2. Cashier
> 3. Charter
> That's the three things the law demands from an association. If we are
> incorporated in that way, I believe we'd be allowed to get a bank
> account in the association's name too (?). That and having an official
> cashier would clean up the finances.
> What's everyone's opinion?
> Ramon
> -- 
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