[Ubuntu-ch] Ubuntu logo on install party flyer (tuxpartei at Uni Bern)

Patrick Murena patrick.murena at gmail.com
Thu Nov 1 14:18:42 GMT 2007

On 11/1/07, Carlos Diener <carlos at diener.li> wrote:
> Hello together,
> Stefan from tuxpartei.ch asked me and Tormod through an email if it's ok
> to
> use the Ubuntu logo on their install party flyer. They received a bunch of
> CDs from Canonical for their event.
> I think that should be no problem and there is no need to contact
> Canonical in
> this case. What are thinking about this?

Well I don't think it's a problem neither, if canonical give them cd's it's
a sort of sponsoring. I would even say that it's normal to do so. Any how it
would be awesome to write "Ubuntu Swiss team" under the logo ;) This makes
me think we could make a LoCo logo which would be used for such purpose in
the future.

regards Patrick
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