[Ubuntu-ch] Exhibition at the FIT ("ETH") in Zurich
Stéphane Graber
stgraber at ubuntu.com
Tue Aug 14 14:05:53 BST 2007
On Mon, 2007-08-13 at 18:49 +0200, Adrian Kobler wrote:
> Hi guys
> Some of you may remember - I was the 100th happy member to join this
> list. To be perfectly honest: I had something in my mind already back
> then and that was the main reason I signed up (apart from all the other
> good reasons - it has been very interesting since)
I had to manually accept your mail, are you sure you are subscribed to
the mailing-list (with this address), you can only send e-mail from the
e-mail you used when subscribing.
> Anyway, lets get straight to the main point: I'm working in my free time
> at a small student shop at the FIT (= federal institute of technology,
> ETH in German) in Zurich. We're an NPO and most of our employees work
> there without payment. Our motivation is mainly to offer students the
> best products for the best price possible and we have agreements with
> all major computer manufacturers such as HP, Dell, Lenovo - you name it.
> As it is some kind of a tradition now, there's always a special
> promotion going on during the start of the semester. Some of you may
> have heard about "Neptun", the official project of the FET. Well, we're
> partnering with them, but we also have our own little promotion going on
> (usually with the manufacturers which are not part of Neptun so that we
> can provide a very broad range of notebook at a very low price)
> So far for the overall picture, but now to why I write this to this
> list: As part of our promotion, we have an exhibition going on at the
> main building in the main hall of the FIT at which we will show all the
> laptops (our own as well as the ones from "Neptun") and other useful
> gadgets for students. And there usually will be some guys from Dell, HP,
> and so on. This exhib will take place on Monday, 24. of September.
> And since I'm a fan of Ubuntu, I thought about using this event to make
> it more popular (or at least more known) amongst the students. And
> that's where I would be happy about your support. Here are some ideas I had:
> a) I have already ordered two of the posters which Tribaal offered to
> organise (for which I'm very gladful) - those surely will get a
> prominent place at the exhib.
> b) As Ubuntu offers free CD's, I'll try and order some of them.
> Unfortunately, it is quite hard to get them in bigger quantities as it
> would be nice for this event. But I've heard that we as an official loco
> team could arrange some more - is there any chance I could get some of
> them?
> (Of course we already have them in our shop to give away to students,
> but that stock won't last much longer...)
I personally have some (~50 remaining) and I know Myriam has some. We
never tried placing an order since we are an approved team, but we could
try as we have some time to do so (almost a month) and several other
events where CDs will be greatly welcome (OpenExpo and SFD).
> c) If anyone of you has time it would be great of course, if we could
> have some "official ubuntu guy" at the exhibition who would be there for
> questions and some small advice. Just to convince the students about the
> benefits of ubuntu, not for real support.
I'm sorry, as it's on Monday and I'm personally at school too, I won't
be able to come. AFAIK only emonkey (Carlos Diener) is also an Ubuntu
Member but a lot of others from the Swiss Team proposed themselves for
membership, so you could be able to have an Official Ubuntu guy if there
is a CC meeting by then.
> d) If you have any further ideas, just let me know. Point is we don't
> have a lot of money to spend for huge promotional gimmicks, but if you
> have a cool idea or anything don't hesitate to contact me.
Think of taking some photographs, that's definitely what was missing
last time :)
> So, thats about it from my part. Now I'm courious about your thoughts :)
> Have a nice week and best regards,
> Adrian
> P.S. I write from my official shop - account to make it more like kind
> of an "official request for support". If you wish I can switch back to
> my Ubuntu address :)
> _______________________________________________________________________
> Webadmin und Product Management E-Mail : kobler at ssd.ethz.ch
> Stiftung Studenten Discount Web Site : http://www.ssd.ethz.ch
> Postbuero ETH-Zentrum Phone : 044 632 47 21
> 8092 Zuerich Fax : 044 632 10 32
Have a nice week too
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