[Ubuntu-ch] OpenExpo stand financial balance

Tormod Volden lists.tormod at gmail.com
Mon Apr 9 23:19:30 BST 2007

On 3/25/07, Tormod Volden <lists.tormod at gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is the financial balance after the OpenExpo:
> Total cost = 88 CHF
> Before the Expo we had a round of pledges on this mailing list, but
> since the result is smaller than we thought (a lot cheaper, and less
> extensive flyers) I suggest that 4 contributors generously pay 22 CHF
> each, and we'll give priority to those who didn't come to the Expo...
> The happy donors will get hundred flyers each. First come first serve.

Hi again,
My solicitation for donations was not totally successful. Thanks to
Carlos for his donation! I will myself donate 22 CHF. Which leaves the
chance for two others of you to donate 22 CHF each!


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