[Ubuntu-cat] retard enorme per a mostrar icones desktop

SANCHEZ sanchezcano.manuel a gmail.com
dim set 24 11:28:43 UTC 2024

Bon dia,
Després d'instal.lar la versió 24.04.01 el portàtil mostra un retard de más
de dos minutos para mostrar las iconas en pantalla, después de dar el
Per avançar feina, us afegeixo el que mostra a partir de les ordres:
manel a manel-PROX14-10:~$ systemd-analyze
Startup finished in 3.228s (firmware) + 7.991s (loader) + 2.079s (kernel) +
24.930s (userspace) = 38.229s
graphical.target reached after 24.898s in userspace.
manel a manel-PROX14-10:~$ systemd-analyze critical-chain
The time when unit became active or started is printed after the "@"
The time the unit took to start is printed after the "+" character.

graphical.target @24.898s
└─multi-user.target @24.898s
  └─plymouth-quit-wait.service @11.840s +13.056s
    └─systemd-user-sessions.service @11.785s +36ms
      └─network.target @11.737s
        └─NetworkManager.service @9.863s +1.873s
          └─dbus.service @9.717s +68ms
            └─basic.target @9.684s
              └─sockets.target @9.684s
                └─snapd.socket @9.672s +12ms
                  └─sysinit.target @9.663s
                    └─snapd.apparmor.service @2.364s +7.297s
                      └─apparmor.service @1.832s +521ms
                        └─local-fs.target @1.811s
                            └─run-snapd-ns.mount @18.712s
                              └─local-fs-pre.target @417ms
                                └─systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service @337ms

└─systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev-early.service @3>
                                    └─kmod-static-nodes.service @289ms +20ms

manel a manel-PROX14-10:~$ systemd-analyze blame
13.056s plymouth-quit-wait.service
10.598s gpu-manager.service
 9.408s snapd.seeded.service
 8.732s snapd.service
 7.297s snapd.apparmor.service
 5.009s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
 2.286s fwupd.service
 1.873s NetworkManager.service
 1.326s plymouth-read-write.service
 1.073s systemd-backlight a backlight:intel_backlight.service
  992ms dev-nvme0n1p5.device
  881ms systemd-udev-trigger.service
  834ms systemd-journal-flush.service
  755ms snap-audacity-1032.mount
  752ms snap-audacity-1051.mount
  749ms snap-bare-5.mount
  746ms snap-canonical\x2dlivepatch-278.mount
  743ms snap-canonical\x2dlivepatch-282.mount
  736ms snap-chromium\x2dffmpeg-55.mount
  730ms snap-chromium\x2dffmpeg-58.mount
  723ms snap-core-16928.mount
  721ms snap-core-17200.mount
  720ms snap-core18-2823.mount
lines 1-23

Manuel Sánchez
T. 664037307
Imprimeix només si és imprescindible
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