[Ubuntu-cat] Problemes d'arrencada amb el Linux
Paco Rivière
web a pacoriviere.cat
dis feb 8 11:34:31 UTC 2020
Disculpa, si reconeix les tres pantalles, era el connector.
Ara va bé, però em preocupa:
1. Que només hi hagi una opció al grub
2. Si necessito reinstal·lar la tarja NVIDIA, no podré, em preocupa aquest
On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 12:30 PM Paco Rivière <web a pacoriviere.cat> wrote:
> 1. El so funciona.
> 2. Només hi ha una opció al grub
> 3. No detecta més que dues de les tres pantalles i reinstal·lar la tarja
> NVIDIA, com ho havia solucionar això els darrers cops que no ha detectat
> alguna pantalla, dóna aquest error:
> nvidia-installer log file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log'
> creation time: Sat Feb 8 12:28:13 2020
> installer version: 430.09
> /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/snap/bin
> nvidia-installer command line:
> ./nvidia-installer
> Unable to load: nvidia-installer ncurses v6 user interface
> Using: nvidia-installer ncurses user interface
> -> Detected 4 CPUs online; setting concurrency level to 4.
> ERROR: An NVIDIA kernel module 'nvidia-drm' appears to already be loaded
> in your kernel. This may be because it is in use (for example, by an X
> server, a CUDA program, or the NVIDIA Persistence Daemon), but this may
> also happen if your kernel was configured without support for module
> unloading. Please be sure to exit any programs that may be using the
> GPU(s) before attempting to upgrade your driver. If no GPU-based programs
> are running, you know that your kernel supports module unloading, and you
> still receive this message, then an error may have occured that has
> corrupted an NVIDIA kernel module's usage count, for which the simplest
> remedy is to reboot your computer.
> On Sat, Feb 8, 2020 at 10:21 AM cubells <vicent a vcubells.net> wrote:
>> El 8/2/20 a les 10:15, Paco Rivière ha escrit:
>> > ---
>> > ~$ aptitude search linux-image | grep ^i
>> > i A linux-image-5.0.0-37-generic - Signed kernel image generic
>> > ~$
>> > ---
>> > Ara sí
>> i et funciona tot?
>> --
>> Atentament, cubells.
>> --
>> --
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> Paco Rivière กูร ปาโกะ
> http://paco.riviere.cat <http://pacoriviere.cat>
Paco Rivière กูร ปาโกะ
http://paco.riviere.cat <http://pacoriviere.cat>
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