[Ubuntu-cat] Impressora Canon Pixma ts205

Joan Carles palimsesto a gmail.com
dij abr 4 17:03:55 UTC 2019


A veure si podeu ajudar-me, doncs he tingut la desgràcia de buscar una 
impressora barata, i mirant la web veia que sí hi havia drivers i 
funcionava fins i tot del fabricant.


i fins i tot tutorials de linux


Llavors va i la compre, però quan la tinc va i escriu saltant-se text. 
Revise i repasse configuració i continua igual, llavors escric al fabricant


*Summary:* I bought this printer because I had supossed to use it with 
Ubuntu. But I get all drives (cnijfilter2-5.50-1-deb) and I installed 
properly following the canon instructions. When I finish installation I 
check the printer and I'm dissapointed because there are text lost as I 
show in the image attached in my google drive and I share with you. You 
could check it and will undestand why I'm claming. Maybe the bad driver, 
maybe everything, but I'm angry really. I 'm looking forward to hearing 
from you soon. 


(el fitxer del drive, si voleu mirar com queda, encara hi és....)

Però em respon


Dear Mr. Pérez,

Thank you for your request and for contacting Canon.

According to the description provided, we understand that you cannot 
function properly with your PIXMA TS205 printer from your Ubuntu system.

We can definitely understand your concern and we will be more than happy 
to further assist.

With reference to your enquiry in regards to the issue you are 
experiencing with your printer functioning on a Linux based operating 
system, we regret to inform that our support for Linux based operating 
systems is limited.

Periodically, Canon will release Linux drivers for certain products 
based on global demand.

However, these drivers are provided ‘As-is’ without guarantee of any 
kind, implied or otherwise and are wholly unsupported by Canon.

The compatibility charts provided are meant as a guide and indicate that 
Canon has successfully tested the driver with the indicated Linux 

Due to the highly variable nature of Linux installations, there is no 
guarantee of operation and users are strongly advised to consult the 
Linux user guide for more information.

In order to find the available Linux compatible drivers for your printer 
model, please kindly refer to the link below:


We hope the information provided was helpful.

Once again, thank you for contacting Canon Services and Support and 
thank you for your understanding.

Please do not hesitate to contact again, should you have any further 

Yours sincerely,


Total que em busque la vida com puga....    Vaig descarregar els drivers 
d'on diu i no hi ha manera de que imprimeixi tota la fulla, només esciu 
una part i salta altra.

Penso que caldria que donaren més support però no ho tinc tant clar ara 
per ara.

Si algu pot donar-me alguna idea del que puc fer, altrament no sé que 
fer....amb impressora nova. Sembla una mica d'engany si més no. Pity!


Joan Carles
Usuari GNU/Linux #324197#

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