
Bob Jonkman bjonkman at
Wed Mar 15 16:25:36 UTC 2017

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Hi Raymond: Not all e-mail accounts have a Web interface. The big
companies like Google and Yahoo and Microsoft have Web interfaces, but
there are many mail providers that don't have Web interfaces, and
there are many of us who use those other mail providers (such as your
own ISP, or your own self-hosted mail server) because we want to keep
our e-mail off the big (advertising, surveillance) companies like
Google and Yahoo and Microsoft.

E-mail is a different service than the World Wide Web, and so uses
mail client software that's dedicated to the task. Thunderbird is one
example of a "Mail User Agent (MUA)" or mail client; Claws and
Evolution are others.

Using an MUA actually gives you far more control over your e-mail. You
can choose to download it to your own computer (or keep it on the
server); you can access many different mail accounts from different
providers, all at the same time; you can easily add encryption plugins
to secure your mail; and best of all, you can set up your mail client
so it works as you want it to, not the way Google or Yahoo or
Microsoft tells you.

If you're using only one mail account from only one big provider you
may not need the multiple accounts features, but you can still use an
MUA to get the other benefits.

Remember that when you use a "free" service like Google or Yahoo or
Microsoft, those services are selling *you* to their advertisers. Your
mail is read by their 'bots, the better to find your what you like,
where you live, who you know, and even when you sleep and how long.
But using a mail client to connect to a mail service you trust will
put you in control over your own data.

- --Bob.

On 2017-03-15 11:36 AM, Raymond House wrote:
> Hello all, I have been using ubuntu for many years now and I still
> don't know what is the use of thunderbird.It duplicates my gmail
> account,is slow,and seems complicated.I have been trying once more
> to use it and it just seems to be a duplication of gmail (or any
> other mail service).I'm probably missing something here but after
> many bouts with it I still don't get it.I am wondering why it is
> always on all the new distros? I suppose some people like it, I
> don't.This is one of the rare things that bug me about ubuntu,
> because I would never use any other OS.Thanks.

- -- 

- --
Bob Jonkman <bjonkman at>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services   
Software   ---   Office & Business Automation   ---   Consulting
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