
Raymond House raymondh40 at
Wed Mar 15 16:17:48 UTC 2017

AH, I see it's use for you guys that have such a volume of mail!
 This is the first time I get an explanation that makes sense.Ok, as cranky
says it's all about choice, thanks. I'll look up info on MUA's.

On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 12:04 PM, Stephen M. Webb <
stephen.webb at> wrote:

> On 2017-03-15 11:36 AM, Raymond House wrote:
> > Hello all, I have been using ubuntu for many years now and I still don't
> know what is the use of thunderbird.It
> > duplicates my gmail account,is slow,and seems complicated.I have been
> trying once more to use it and it just seems to be
> > a duplication of gmail (or any other mail service).I'm probably missing
> something here but after many bouts with it I
> > still don't get it.I am wondering why it is always on all the new
> distros? I suppose some people like it, I don't.This
> > is one of the rare things that bug me about ubuntu, because I would
> never use any other OS.Thanks.
> I use a local mail user agent (MUA), in my case Thunderbird these days but
> I've used a few over the years, because
> webmail in a browser window does not come close to serving my needs.
> (1) I have several email accounts, I want to be able to track all my email
> on one screen. A gmail web page will only
> allow me to read email sent to my gmail account, unless I use several
> different web browser tabs, one for each account,
> and redirect all my mail through the Google data-mining servers and the
> CIA, NSA, and who knows what or else use the
> different default webmail clients for each email account.
> (2) I travel not infrequently, and often need to get at my email offline.
> I can not do that since webmail clients do
> not work offline, but a local MUA lets me do that.
> (3) I get many dozens, sometimes hundreds of emails every day and I need
> to automatically sort them into various folders
> based on header tags. Gmail does not support any of that, just the ability
> to tag messages based on sender or subject
> regex matches.  A local MUA lets me do that.
> (4) I click on an email message and read it instantly.  Using a browser,
> it grinds and spins and makes dozens of round
> trips to pull CSS and Javascript and multiple tracker pixels for each
> message and takes forever to render a new page. It
> would take me hours to grind through the 30 or 40 important messages that
> greet me first thing every morning if I had to
> use webmail. Ain't nobody got time for that.
> (5) Using a browser-based text editor is a wretched experience on a
> sketchy internet connection.  This is the 21st
> century, text editors should be able to keep up with two-finger
> hunt-and-peck typing.
> Having a local MUA by default on a desktop is like having a local text
> editor, local spreadsheets, local drawing
> programs, local photo editing, local games, local anything you can get as
> an online service with a web interface.  You
> get more control of your data, better response times, and offline mode.
> Honestly, I don't see why anyone would use webmail in a browser instead of
> a local MUA.
> --
> Stephen M. Webb  <stephen.webb at>
> --
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at
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