A Canadian Ubuntu kind-of-guy eh!

John Kerr johneddie.kerr at gmail.com
Mon Aug 24 13:48:30 UTC 2015

Hi David
The free disk program from Ubuntu is no longer running. If someone does not
send you a disk, You could go to a book store that carries Ubuntu User
magazine. they always have a CD and by purchasing the magazine you help
keep Linux in the spotlight.

Best regards,


On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 1:11 AM, David Jones <davyjoneshere at gmail.com>

> Hello there Ubuntu Canada!
> Davy Jones here from the Sunny Okanagan, as I have been born and raised in
> the valley's chief city Kelowna, BC.
> I finally have my new computer eh, as the last one gave up on its better
> half, leaving me all alone with nothing but Windows 7 to work with!
> Anyways, here I am, and for the 1st time I can see that Canada finally has
> an Ubuntu Loco Team.
> I don't really know though if I have any skills to help out or support
> this Ubuntu group. Does the Team have any trainers that offer training
> sessions for "son't know it alls" like me? Maybe I can market the Team - no
> Team Canada - our Local Loco Ubuntu Team!
> I have a favor to ask however, but I don't know if it's really
> appropriate. You see back in the good old days, there was a place online I
> would go to sometimes, as they were so very kind indeed, it was somewhere
> within the WWW's Ubuntu.com I believe, or maybe it was within their .org
> domain - one of the 2 for sure. I would ask for the latest Ubuntu Desktop
> CD - and through the kindness of one's soul, they sent me the CD I asked
> for and free of charge!
> I could really use a new disk eh, as I'm not the best burner when it comes
> to images and things. I will leave my mailing address in case the Canadian
> Ubuntu Team would be willing to help me with my request, but if you can't
> no worries eh, I understand.
> Wishing you all Godspeed!
> Davy Jones
> Unit # 4 - 305 Cambie St
> Kelowna, BC - V1X 3H9
> --
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca

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