
LP linuxpusher2 at
Thu Oct 16 12:09:28 UTC 2014

We have Netflix for approx 6 months now.

And Net Talk $39/yr.
I cancelled our satellite & Phone.
Never been happier, bell never once billed us correctly for their services.
I cannot describe how good it felt to tell bell Cancel our service we no
longer need you, Sigh !

We 2 Adults, 1 teen & 1 under 12.
Movies and TV shows Galore, NO Sports on it.
For $8/month no contracts first month free give it a try.

On 13 October 2014 12:37, Raymond House <raymondh40 at> wrote:

> Well, I'll tell you I mostly watch foreign films and some good
> documentaries,and Dutch detective TV series where you don't even see a
> firearm also the same in rural England.I bypass all the Bruce Lee kind of
> stuff and specially the american 12 guys dead in the first 12 minutes of
> the film kind of movies.I think it's worth the $8.00 a month fee, no lousy
> commercials !
> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 12:08 PM, CrankyOldBugger <
> crankyoldbugger at> wrote:
>> Glad to help.
>> Maybe you can help me now.. is Netflix any good?  What can a Canadian
>> watch on it?
>> On 13 October 2014 12:04, Raymond House <raymondh40 at> wrote:
>>> I had to cancel Chromium (which was installed ealier) and install Chrome
>>> as per the link you sent and it works fine, thank you Cranky.
>>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 11:12 AM, Raymond House <raymondh40 at>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you Cranky, I will check it out, That was to be my next
>>>> question.I'm using ubuntu 14.04.
>>>> On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 11:07 AM, CrankyOldBugger <
>>>> crankyoldbugger at> wrote:
>>>>> They now have proper support in Ubuntu for Netflix.  I'm not sure what
>>>>> OS you're running, but you might want to investigate.
>>>>> Here's the announcement:
>>>>> On 13 October 2014 10:56, Raymond House <raymondh40 at> wrote:
>>>>>> Hello everyone, I'm using silverlight and (I think pipelight) to view
>>>>>> netflix movies and I find that silverlight often crashes, has anyone else
>>>>>> had the same problem? Sometimes I have to shut down and restart the
>>>>>> computer to get it to work again, it never crashes once a movie is showing
>>>>>> but when I make the selection of a title the screen goes blanc and it just
>>>>>> stays like that until I close netflix. Thanks.
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