Preparing for the Video Chat meeting on 23 January 2014

Bob Jonkman bjonkman at
Sun Jan 12 02:46:55 UTC 2014

I'm online at *right now* if anyone wants
to join me.

I had it running earlier this morning, but forgot about it, went AFK and
the screensaver kicked in.  Really freaked out my wife when the computer
started asking if Bob was online. So I won't be doing that any more.


On 14-01-11 09:37 PM, Aruna Hewapathirane wrote:
>> I'm hoping some Ubuntu Canada chapters will have an Ubuntu Hour in the
>> next week, giving people a chance to work the bugs out and practice.
>> *Toronto*, Guelph and Kitchener, I'm looking at you!
> Hi Bob,
> Since we are going to have a Video Chat meeting, instead of the Ubuntu
> Hour at a public location why not have those interested in participating
> have a test-run from wherever they may be with whatever client they use
> ( Google+ hangouts, Skype etc) and we can have a fair idea of any issues
> before the actual meeting  ?
> This way we iron out any hiccups and everything should be good for the
> actual meeting ?
> I am willing and available on Google+ Hangouts and Skype on any day,
> anyone wanting to test his/her system please email me directly and we
> can have a dry run. Or we can agree on a date and time then every one
> can join and test ?
> Or we can meet and have the Ubuntu hour ?
> Thank's !
> Aruna

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