Understanding people
Aruna Hewapathirane
aruna.hewapathirane at gmail.com
Mon Sep 2 16:26:03 UTC 2013
Chris, your so wrong my friend, I think "WE" make the world a better place
? United we stand and colloboration and sharing of knowledge and transfer
of skills shall see us through ?
Thank you very much for the kind words much appreciated :-)
On Mon, Sep 2, 2013 at 12:21 PM, LP <linuxpusher2 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Aruna,
> Thank you !
> You brought tears to my eyes.
> You make the world a much better place.
> Chris.
> On 2 September 2013 12:16, LP <linuxpusher2 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> David,
>> Can I use this ?
>> With or with out your name attached, "your call."
>> Thanks
>> Chris.
>> United Way Volunteer
>> On 2 September 2013 11:20, David M. Pelly <david.pelly at hotmail.ca> wrote:
>>> Dear Gord, Colin and Aruna , and to whom ever else it may concern,
>>> The thread that I initiated has spurred and stimulated necessary and
>>> beneficial responses, to expose and bring to light the better standards of
>>> the people in the group.
>>> Any group is only as good as the sum of it's members.
>>> I thank you all for speaking up, and making yourself known.
>>> The true quality of a person is not determined by social veneer.
>>> The true quality of a person is determined when the person is put to the
>>> test.
>>> The true quality of a person is determined in times of conflict, and
>>> adversity.
>>> Do they become part of the solution or part of the problem?
>>> The best ways to determine the true quality, the true character, the
>>> true colors of a person is to get married to the person, or get into
>>> business with the person.
>>> While I prefer not to make this forum a place to vent or expose
>>> personal problems, (as it usually considered ungraceful or something like
>>> that) but at the same time it is necessary and beneficial for those who
>>> are more able, to understand that there are people who are less able.
>>> It is important to know this stuff, no matter in what area.
>>> What is wrong with life ( even families and companies) is often the
>>> things that are not talked about.
>>> And they do not talk about them because they do not know how to talk
>>> about the problem, and are not qualified to to talk about the problem. And
>>> in order to have a meaningful discussion about this subject, it takes a
>>> lot of the right kind of education. Otherwise the discussion will not be
>>> meaningful or constructive. It will actually cause more problems.
>>> That is the dilemma with such a serious and common problem.
>>> Even though this is going to be off linear , off topic, I will do it.
>>> And I may get scorned for this by some.
>>> But life is non linear and every part of life is effected by every other
>>> part of life in some way.
>>> So there has to be exceptions for every rule.
>>> (And everyone deals with children in some way, whether your own or
>>> someone else's. And there is nothing more important than the quality and
>>> the sanity of the next generation. Children are little people. They are
>>> the big people of tomorrow. I say children, and focus this dissertation
>>> more for the sake of children, because I feel more concern for children,
>>> than adults. The most difference can be made with addressing children. )
>>> (And this is especially directed to those who are more able and often
>>> scorn and scoff at, sneer at, or shun and berate the less able.)
>>> (And this is a huge subject and cannot be clearly and fully explained in
>>> a forum such as this, but it is so important to know this stuff, that I am
>>> going to post a brief summary, regardless of what any one says.)
>>> When ever you are working with people, you always have to take this
>>> into consideration.
>>> To effectively work with people, you have to understand people and
>>> their minds.
>>> This is part of of "people skills".
>>> The more you understand this, the more effective you are in every walk
>>> of life.
>>> And: You are always "selling" yourself.
>>> Basically we are all only as good as we have been bred and brought up
>>> and educated.
>>> We are a sum product of genetics, a conception, and an upbringing.
>>> Now those of you who are interested in sports, and follow the media,
>>> should be well aware of the law suits going on now by players, who have
>>> received concussions, are now suing the leagues for hundreds of millions
>>> of dollars.
>>> Concussions are very similar to child abuse.
>>> Concussions and abuse cause brain damage.
>>> In plain language these factors cause "stupidity", .......varying and
>>> relative degrees of stupidity.
>>> Mental malfunction.
>>> Simply and succinctly stated, stupidity is the relative inability to
>>> evaluate data.
>>> Intelligence is the relative ability to evaluate data.
>>> Ignorance is the lack of data to evaluate.
>>> Insanity is the relative inability to determine right from wrong.
>>> Impaired judgment. I
>>> n the extreme, it is the persistent desire to do wrong. Those kinds
>>> of people are institutionalized to protect society.
>>> Intelligence is effected by the physical structure (organic) make up of
>>> the brain.
>>> Genetic defects, and damage received in the womb and damage received
>>> during and after birth, effects the physical ability and speed of the
>>> brain to evaluate and process data.
>>> (Damage after birth includes verbal abuse, such as being told you are
>>> stupid and retarded and the like, especially relentlessly, for yrs.)
>>> (Emotional abuse, emotional malnourishment, and abandonment also disable,
>>> break and rot the spirit.)
>>> There are 100s or maybe even 1000s of parts to the brain.
>>> Scientists are continuously making new discoveries in this area.
>>> Because each area of life is controlled by it's own brain motor, people
>>> can be geniuses in some area (s) and completely stupid in others. And
>>> everything in between. That is why you get savants.
>>> And often when a part or some parts of the brain are defective or
>>> damaged, other parts that are undamaged are often enhanced in ability.
>>> And I don't mind discussing my own case, in public, because I hope I
>>> can enlighten people and also hopefully prevent some other children,
>>> through you the readers of this post, from going through what I did.
>>> ( And I know very few people know this, that is understand the cause of
>>> mental illness and learning disabilities and emotional disorders, etc. .)
>>> I grew up in an extremely abusive, suppressive, stupid, backward and
>>> insane home.
>>> I was so beat up and traumatized as a child at home, that when I was
>>> in school, I had a very difficult time studying and absorbing what the
>>> teacher was teaching and was all but totally unable to read my books and
>>> do my homework. My mind was numb from abuse.
>>> I was "pushed" through grades in school.
>>> The beatings I received caused extreme disorientation and confusion and
>>> a host of functional disorders.
>>> My brain would not work, much like a very slow computer at the least,
>>> and often like a "frozen computer" in the extreme, when I get stressed out.
>>> (And the garbage in- garbage out factor .)
>>> I would get lost in school every day.
>>> I had a very difficult time, finding the right class room in the
>>> morning and between classes, or finding the washroom.
>>> On real bad days, I would wonder around the school hallways lost and
>>> looking for the right classroom and come late, and on real bad days,
>>> finally find the right class room, when the class was over.
>>> (Sometimes I would remember to follow someone whom I knew was going to
>>> the same class as I was.)
>>> If I had to find the washroom, it would some times take a half hour to
>>> do so, sometimes the duration of the entire class time, on real bad days.
>>> And these were small schools.
>>> They were about 10 room schools.
>>> One school had about a 100 kids and the other had about 300.
>>> When I left home at 19, I was so disoriented from beatings I had a
>>> difficult time walking a straight line.
>>> And this has been the case all my life.
>>> This is called Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. (PTSD)
>>> There are many types of PTSD.
>>> This is also a form of mental illness.
>>> I have been in PTSD therapy all my life, in order to survive this far.
>>> Now here is another problem:
>>> When people see a physically handi- capped person, (physically
>>> disabled) such as a person in a wheel chair, or some one like Steven
>>> Hawkins, society goes out of their way to assist and accommodate them.
>>> They don't beat them or whip them because they cannot walk or run up
>>> stairs.
>>> But not all disabilities are visible.
>>> The brain is an organ or body part and can come (born) defective, or
>>> get damaged or diseased, like any other body part.
>>> And the disconcerting or disheartening thing about this is that the
>>> the average person does not have any understanding of this (this is called
>>> ignorance) and people with mental problems, metal disabilities are usually
>>> scoffed at, or scorned at, sneered at and shunned. Even physically abused.
>>> This is the height of ignorance. It is criminal.
>>> I spent my life trying in every way possible to over come the effects of
>>> child abuse.
>>> That was one of my strong points.
>>> I only got my first computer 10 yrs ago when I was 50.
>>> It was given to me.
>>> I used library, community and working center computers for a few yrs
>>> before that.
>>> Because of the effects of child abuse, for the most part, I was never
>>> really able to hold a job for longer than a few months to a yr.
>>> I have not been able to get married and have a family.
>>> I am basically afraid of people.
>>> Like a dog who has been severely and repeatedly beaten.
>>> But I have learned to tolerate people for short periods of time, anyways.
>>> I have developed pretty good social veneer as a coping skill.
>>> And when it comes to computers, they are not my strong point.
>>> I find them overwhelming, beyond web surfing and doing research on line
>>> and email.
>>> I can usually handle one, two or maybe three variables.
>>> It is all relative to other effecting factors and the complexity of the
>>> variables.
>>> But when it comes to situations beyond that, I get overwhelmed and my
>>> brain slows down, or shuts down, like a computer with too many programs
>>> running.
>>> As you all well know, the speed and capacity of a computer is
>>> determined by the size, capacity and quality of it's components. The
>>> brain is very similar.
>>> A computer is made to duplicate the workings of the brain and mind as
>>> close as possible.
>>> And you all know the evolution of computers, from "the stick to scratch
>>> in the sand" , to the abacus, to what we have today.
>>> So unless you have experienced such abuse, or concussions or have birth
>>> or genetic defects that cause brain malfunction, you have no real or
>>> meaningful idea what mental problems are like.
>>> My strong point is that I strive to think in terms of how something
>>> can be done, instead of how something can't be done.
>>> I identify a problem and then look for the right answers, the right
>>> knowledge to solve the problem.
>>> I operate on the idea that there is an answer or solution to every
>>> problem.
>>> I have spent my entire life in research on how to overcome the effects
>>> of abuse and mental illness.
>>> Few people would have survived what I did.
>>> Relatively speaking, I am far from a fully normal fully competent
>>> person, but I am a lot better than I used to be.
>>> The purpose of life is to become a master of it, to fulfill your full
>>> potential.
>>> How do you do that?
>>> You identify every problem you have, every defect you have, every
>>> disorder you have, every disease you have, and find the perfect solution
>>> for it.
>>> You identify every other type of life problem you have ( outside of
>>> yourself ) and find a perfect solution for it. (From relationships to
>>> business to what ever else, to become the best there is in the field.
>>> The truth is nothing more or less than the right answer to every problem.
>>> Only the truth will solve your problems properly.
>>> There is no incurable disorder or disease, there are only incurable
>>> people with the wrong attutude.
>>> Or people operating on false and limiting knowledge or no knowledge.
>>> People fail in any endeavor for only one reason and that is for the lack
>>> of the right knowledge to solve the problem at hand.
>>> If you have the right knowledge, you can solve any problem.
>>> The biggest room in the world, is room for improvement.
>>> The building of a noble character is job that is never completed.
>>> In hope I have enlightened some people on this list.
>>> If anyone wants any more information on this subject, you can contact
>>> me back channel.
>>> Because at least 30% of society has some form of mental illness or
>>> mental problems.
>>> Probably closer to 50%.
>>> I have never met a person who, I thought could not use some form of mind
>>> improvement.
>>> It is all a matter of degree.
>>> Mental illness by any other name, is still mental illness.
>>> And there are almost as many types of mental illness as there are
>>> people.
>>> The best science can do is categorize them.
>>> And I am sure there is a cure for every type.
>>> But this field is still in it's infancy.
>>> Have a great day,
>>> David
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*Aruna Hewapathirane*
Phone : 647-709-9269
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