
Daniel Villarreal youcanlinux at
Sat Jul 21 02:32:41 UTC 2012

Plug in a ethernet cable from you cable modem to your router, the jack
labeled "internet." Then plug in ethernet cables from the other jacks to
your computers.

For example, in your Linux computer, in firefox address bar, enter "" or whatever the default is, see manual.
In Setup, network settings...
Customize your Router IP Address
Enable DHCP Server
Choose your DHCP IP Address Range

If you care to, fill in your DHCP reservation list.

I recommend you don't enable wireless networking unless you really have to.

This should get you started, then you can customize more to your taste.

Daniel Villarreal

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 5:44 PM, raymond house <raymondh40 at> wrote:

> Hello everyone, I'm adding a router for the first time, a D-Link, DIR 601
> and I'm getting nowhere with the installation manual.The installation is ok
> but the computer doesn't connect to the net when I unplug the wired
> connection.It's probably a very simple thing to fix but I don't have the
> expertise. I think it has to do with the "edit connections" but I don't
> know how to configure it. Any help will be very appreciated.
> --
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> ubuntu-ca at
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