Want to help with the website?

Andy Watson watson516 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 8 22:47:48 UTC 2010

I haven't looked at said site but the Canonical Design Team has released a website design guide for all Ubuntu related websites to keep them all looking similar and professional. That's probably the reason the designer decided to 'copy' the Ubuntu site.

Andy Watson
Watson516 at gmail.com
Watson516 at msn.com

On 2010-09-08, at 5:34 PM, Brett Alton <brett.jr.alton at gmail.com> wrote:

> What? When did this happen?
> I volunteered countless times and was basically pushed away due to the
> fact that Canonical had complete control over the site.
> Why are we just copying the main Ubuntu website? That's hardly original design.
> And we're still using Drupal? I thought we decided to go with
> Wordpress due to its popularity, abundance of addons and familiarity
> for other users.
> The homepage doesn't even explain what the website is or does or who
> we even are... it's just a planet feed of all our blogs.
> I think it needs a lot more work done before it goes live.
> On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 4:42 PM, Darcy Casselman <dscassel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> We're looking for designers, developers and writers for the new Ubuntu
>> Canada website.  You could help!
>> Check out the site-in-development (to go live any day now!) here:
>> http://ubuntu-ca.jankeconsulting.ca/drupal6/
>> If you're interested at all in participating, join up with the Ubuntu
>> Canada website team on Launchpad:
>> https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ca-website
>> I'd like to see a number of people across the country posting about
>> what's going on in their area.  We could also use some theme
>> customization work.  And if we have people wanting to dig into Drupal
>> code, we can start thinking about creating features that would be
>> useful to Ubuntu users across the country, and integrate into other
>> systems like Launchpad and the LoCo Directory.
>> But first, we need you!  Sign up on Launchpad.  We're getting a
>> mailing list set up so we can start discussing what we'd like to see
>> on the website there.
>> Darcy.
>> --
>> ubuntu-ca mailing list
>> ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
>> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca
> -- 
> Brett Alton
> http://brettalton.com
> http://blog.brettalton.com
> http://github.com/brettalton
> -- 
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ca

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