Reminder: IRC Meeting tonight (7pm EDT, 4pm PDT)

Darcy Casselman dscassel at
Sun Jul 18 16:44:30 UTC 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Darcy Casselman <dscassel at>
Date: Fri, Jul 9, 2010 at 5:21 PM
Subject: IRC Meeting: Sunday, July 18
To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community <ubuntu-ca at>

We're probably past due for another IRC meeting.

Things have slowed down a little bit in the past month, which I'm just
going to chock up to it being summer.  The good news is we don't have
to rush to get re-approvals done.  The bad news is we don't know when
that's going to happen.  But it gives us some time to build an awesome
LoCo team so we don't have to try to fake it! :D

The above agenda was just thrown together by me.  If there's stuff you
want to talk about, feel free to add it.

PS., Have you tried Maverick yet?

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