R. Wood rw at ncf.ca
Wed Oct 7 17:02:11 UTC 2009

Hash: SHA1

Allegedly, on Wed, Oct 07, 2009 at 10:19:50AM -0400, Darryl Moore stated:
> Hi all, this list is being pretty quiet these days so I think I'll
> liven it up with a question or two and see if there are any takers.
> I've set up OpenVPN using a tun device interface so that the remote
> system is on a different subnet. Works well, but of course it is
> difficult to give complete access to the entire network, and all
> machines on the network need to have to have their routing tables
> adjusted to direct packets to vpn client via the vpn server. I've been
> able to do that with the DHCP server, but of course some other devices
> like some printers and  consumer grade routers do not have the ability
> to add routing information. Problem!
> The other option for me is to use a tap interface which of course
> gives complete network access as it will route ethernet level packets
> as well as IP. Another option I thought about was to have another
> computer on the network with remote XDMCP logins enabled (and only
> accepted from VPN clients). This way I could keep the remote user
> behind a firewall but allow them complete access via a local machine
> which they can log on to with their regular user name and password.
> Does any one have any thoughts on this arrangement? And the big
> question is. How the %$$#@% do I get a login window on the client
> without first having to logout. Once upon a time there was an option
> for "new login" which started another X session. Then I had the option
> of choosing the user name as well as selecting an XDMCP session. Not
> any more.
> cheers,
> darryl

Hi Darryl,

I confress I've only given your email above a quick read, which does not
do it justice, but I thought I would just throw this into the mix --
have you heard of 'freenx', and does it apply at all to what you're
trying to accomplish?

- -- 
"Be Nice, or Leave - By Order of the Management"
(Sign above door, Black Sheep Inn, Wakefield)
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