Is the Ubuntu-ca Website Dead?

Joel Goguen jgoguen at
Tue Aug 25 01:09:54 UTC 2009

Hi Brian,

Thanks for letting us all know!  It's been a little bit since I've
looked at the admin side of Drupal, but since I can't even consistently
make stick figure drawings look good and I don't have hosting space to
offer, I'll offer to help out on the admin side.

On Sun, 2009-08-23 at 16:15 -0700, Brian Burger wrote:
> The Ubuntu Canada website is not dead, just resting... and as I'm
> nominally webmaster for the thing, it's my problem, I'm afraid.
> Posting news to it: if you're active with Ubuntu or Linux-related
> things in your community, ask on-list or email me for access. A number
> of people have basic author-access to post their local events there,
> but adding new accounts and being proactive in making sure active
> people get accounts has fallen by the wayside.
> Getting it properly themed and such is going to be a bit more work.
> It's running on a Drupal install hosted by Canonical, which means we
> have no hosting worries or costs, but it also means it's locked down
> so we can't do theme editing directly. Apparently the only way to get
> a theme developed is to get a seperate install of Drupal running
> elsewhere, develop the theme there, then bundle it up and email it to
> the Canonical sysadmins for a code review, then they'll install it.
> Not exactly user-friendly, and the reason the theme is, frankly, both
> broken (full of dead links) and fugly.
> The no-new-news issue is easy to fix - please speak up if you want a
> basic author's account - and the theme issue will take a bit more
> work. Anyone willing to host a short-lived Drupal install, for a month
> or six weeks, so a few of us can develop a decent-looking, functional
> Drupal theme on it?
> As for admin accounts - Corey, Tony & I have full-blown admin
> accounts, a few others have editor-level accounts, and the regular
> accounts we've been creating just have author-privs. If anyone knows
> Drupal well and wants to help at the admin level, speak up, please!
> Brian
> Webmaster, for my sins,

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