Free Ubuntu desktop/server books, where to put them

Corey Burger corey.burger at
Fri Aug 14 20:50:16 UTC 2009

If I am not wrong, the consensus would be that we should find a good
library to put the books into. As such, I am going to order them for
our LoCo team and then start contacting libraries in the north to see
which can make best of them.


On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 11:29 PM, Jack Bowling<jbinpg at> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 30, 2009 at 05:25:46AM -0700, Corey Burger wrote:
>> Hey all,
>> As you have seen, Prentice Hall is going to be handing out one free
>> copy of the main and the server-specific book to approved LoCo teams,
>> of which we are one. Given I am an author and also not really in a
>> great place geographically, it makes sense for these books to go
>> somewhere else. Off the top of my head, the first place that struck me
>> as a good one was Linux Caffe in Toronto, to add to their library, if
>> they have one and would be interested in having one. What do other
>> people think? Is there a more logical location? Should we split up the
>> two books and send each to a different location?
> I would be hard-pressed to tell anyone that Victoria is not a great place
> geographically!!!
> Jack
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