Ubuntu users in Ontario, Canada?

Andrew Mathenge mathenge at gmail.com
Tue Jun 24 14:17:18 UTC 2008

Hi there. Testing to see if PHP is working correctly is not very difficult.

In a typical Ubuntu installation, the web server files are stored in /var/www.

Do the following.

Create a text file called, say, test.php

Type the following in the file.

   echo phpinfo();

That's it. Only those three lines. Copy that file (test.php) to the
folder /var/www.

Open Firefox.

Type the following in the address bar:


What did you see?

If PHP is working, then you'll see the results of the PHP
configuration displayed. If not, then Firefox, not knowing what to do
will ask you to download the file.


On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 10:05 AM, geo <yaktur at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I have every reason to believe it is installed - I did so through the
> Synaptic. Whether it configured itself correctly.....I haven't the foggiest
> idea! I have no interface to it nor any experience or knowledge of PHP - so
> I cannot gauge whether it's doing it's job accurately.
> geo
> --- On Tue, 6/24/08, Mark W. Law <bear at wightman.ca> wrote:
> From: Mark W. Law <bear at wightman.ca>
> Subject: Re: Ubuntu users in Ontario, Canada?
> To: yaktur at yahoo.com
> Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 9:59 AM
> Do you have PHP installed and configured in Apache on your server?  I am
> getting the dreaded 'what do you want me to do with this page?' error
> from
> your machine.
> Mark
> On Tuesday 24 June 2008 09:37:42 you wrote:
>> My home computer IS the server. The whole family uses it for e-mails,
> chat,
>> music, etc.....but I also (through some pure luck?) managed to get Apache
>> running on it.
>> But I cannot make Joomla do anything!
>> http://georutkay.homelinux.org/Joomla/
>> I got this far. But software complexity is constantly stonewalling me.
> And
>> I don't know what else to try and open PHP files with. If not Firefox,
> then
>> what must they be opened with to permit Joomla to install?
>> Or is the Joomla installer corrupted? How can I know?
>> geo
>> --- On Tue, 6/24/08, Phil Thornley <phil at pncpublishing.com> wrote:
>> From: Phil Thornley <phil at pncpublishing.com>
>> Subject: Re: Ubuntu users in Ontario, Canada?
>> To: yaktur at yahoo.com, "The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community"
>> <ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com> Date: Tuesday, June 24, 2008, 9:04 AM
>> geo,
>> When it comes to working with PHP files, they must be put into your WWW
>> root folder and opened by accessing the localhost (or domain name) of your
>> web server.
>> You are not looking for phpmysqladmin, you need to look for phpmyadmin
>> which is the system for working with mysql through php. Again these files
>> need to be put into your WWW root folder and accessed through your web
>> server, not directly via Firefox (it only reads them as standard files
>> without the use of a web server).
>> Phil
>> geo wrote:
>> I'm on a bit of a time-budget so if I can't get this working in a
> month or
>> two, I have no choice but to give up on it and get on to other tasks which
>> will become much more pressing in the near future, one of those tasks
>> includes finishing up the wireless network of the Windows computers at the
>> farm properties - quite a task.
>> I simply don't have the luxury of trying to do this "that
> way". It's not in
>> the cards. Sorry.
>> geo
>> Hi Again:
>> >From the Language that you are using, you seem to be doing very
> complex
>> things in the other operating systems. Linux is the thing you are
>> interested in, so take a bit of time to learn some of the basics with it
>> before trying to do the same kind of very complex things, with Linux.
>> Not doing this
>>  makes the learning curve Slew Rate very sudden. You are
>> talking about PHP, and that is a very thick Book, and SQL, and that is a
>> very thick book, and you are a Noob to Linux too, and that is a very
>> thick Book. Learn a bit of Linux just by it's self. Now the Learning
>> curve is very gradual. Then when you've mastered the GUI of your
> Choice,
>> and a bit of the shell, then Start with SQL. After you got the basics
>> with that then go to PHP. Then what people tell you will make some
>> sense, in the Linux way of looking at it. The lingo is a bit different
>> in Linux, and after some basics you will know what people are saying
>> when you go on a forum.
>> Make things a bit simple, it's not that you are simple, it just makes
> it
>> easy to grasp the concepts in Linux this way.
>> Alfred!
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: geo <yaktur at yahoo.com>
>> Reply-To: yaktur at yahoo.com, The Canadian Ubuntu Users
>>  Community
>> <ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> To: Mark W. Law <bear at wightman.ca>
>> Cc: ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
>> Subject: Re: Ubuntu users in Ontario, Canada?
>> Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 19:26:00 -0700 (PDT)
>> Mailer: YahooMailWebService/0.7.199
>> Sorry, but how do I do this?
>> I tried getting phpMySQLAdmin by either Synaptic or by typing sudo
>> apt-get install phpMySQLAdmin in the Alt+F2 window.
>> Nothing. It doesn't exist in either place.
>> But even if it did, how would i create a new blank database? I don't
>> know any of this stuff.
>> Thanks,
>> geo
>> PS: Sorry if I came off as a little testy before, this thing just EATS
>> so much of my time just to experiment and fail at it again and again.
>>         - download and install phpMySQLAdmin (used to admin MySQL
>> databases)
>>         - In phpmysqladmin create a new blank database and call it, say,
>>  'joomla'
>>         - Point your browser to http://localhost/[NAME OF THE FOLDER YOU
>>         CREATED]/index.php
>>         - Follow the prompts to
>>          install Joomla (it will want the name of the blank
>>         database you just created)
>>         :)
>>         M.
>>         On Monday 23 June 2008 20:16:34 you wrote:
>>         > Hi Mark
>>         >
>>         > Ok, I've downloaded Joomla and extracted it to a folder
> on my
>> desktop.
>>         > I don't know how to install it though.
>>         >
>>         > Joomla isn't in Synaptic so I had to download it from the
>> website.
>>         > There are several files:
>>         >
>>         > CHANGELOG.php
>>         > configuration.php-dist
>>         > COPYRIGHT.php
>>         > globals.php
>>         > htaccess.txt
>>         > index.php
>>  >
>>  > index2.php
>>  >
>>         > INSTALL.php
>>         > LICENSE.php
>>         > mainbody.php
>>         > offline.php
>>         > offlinebar.php
>>         > pathway.php
>>         > robots.txt
>>         >
>>         > ....as well as several folders.
>>         >
>>         > When I double-click on INSTALL.php, it opens Firefox and then
>> Firefox
>>         keeps
>>         > asking what to do with INSTALL.php: Open with Firefox or save
> to
>>          disk?
>>         > So I keep clicking "Open" and it just repeats and
>> repeats.
>>         > What do I do with this Joomla then?
>>         >
>>         > Thanks,
>>         > geo
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