Ubuntu users in Ontario, Canada?

volksman v0lksman69 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 12:10:52 UTC 2008

Hey Geo!

Have you checked out http://www.howtoforge.com at all?  Great howto's 
for many things Ubuntu.  Might be a good review.

Can you elaborate on what you mean by "secure login thing"?

geo wrote:
> Hello
> I've put in for a subscription to this newsgroup. I've been trying to 
> set up my Ubuntu box (7.10) to function as a home computer and at the 
> same time as a web server with a (more or less) secure login so I can 
> share my music and stuff with other friends and family members, 
> without the record companies viewing what I have.
> I've been asking for help on answers.launchpad.net and since the 
> tutorials are about as helpful to me as mittens are to a chicken (I'm 
> a total NOOB when it comes to this stuff), it was recommended that I 
> look for users in my area who might be able to assist.
> I have the website and domain name running. I just can't figure out 
> setting up a (more or less) secure login thing. The knowledge I gain 
> from this will help me set up a website at the family farm for their 
> business as well.
> I live in Grand Valley, Ontario. That's about 20 minutes west of 
> Orangeville.
> Thanks,
> geo

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