Security Certificates

Cody A.W. Somerville cody-somerville at
Mon Jul 14 06:11:55 UTC 2008

Hello Alfred,

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 3:03 AM, Alfred <alfred.s at> wrote:

> Hi:
> I've been having a problem with Security Certificates, on Ebay. Ebay
> says that I'm using an outdated Browser or that the Root Certificate of
> my browser has expired. That this is what is causing security
> certificates to show up that are not from Ebay.
> Firefox 3 had a few problems with Ebay Tools like Ebay Companion, not
> working, reporting that Firefox 3 was the 64 bit version.  Some people
> on the Bug list fixed the problem for now. It is a problem in the
> Binaries of Firefox 3

Can you provide a link to a page where you encounter this problem (or how to
get to it)?

> Anyone out there in the Ubuntu Users Community know about this stuff,
> I'm sort of baffled, by it. Not sure what to make of it, and don't feel
> real secure with all this "Electronic Security!"
> Thank you in advance
> Alfred!
> --
> ubuntu-ca mailing list
> ubuntu-ca at

Cody A.W. Somerville
Software Engineer
Red Cow Marketing & Technologies, Inc.
Office: 506-458-1290
Toll Free: 1-877-733-2699
Fax: 506-453-9112
Cell: 506-449-5899
Email: cody at
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