Security Certificates

Alfred alfred.s at
Mon Jul 14 11:35:00 UTC 2008


The Web page is not somewhere where you could go, because just getting
to it, requires my ID and password for Ebay. You are not getting that
information from me! 

Ebay requires that a Credit Card is registered with them, before they
can give you a Sellers Account. The Credit card is not used unless for
some reason the account balance is not paid, then they will use the
Credit Card. I've been trying to register the Credit card with them
since January, 2008, but got the Bad Certificate Problem cropping up
each time I tried this. This is not the first time that I've asked about
this, here.

Ubuntu Policy has been to use, not the most recent version of Software.
In Firefox 3.1 the recent problems with Firefox Three have been fixed,
supposedly. Here I am still using Firefox 2.x something, in Ubuntu 7.10.
If the Security certificate in Firefox 2.x is outdated or that Firefox
2.x is outdated, that means that it is the cause of the problem with bad
certificates, on any web site where Credit Card Details are given out.
It is a Security Problem. In my case a security certificate from opendns
was substituted by some other party other than Ebay, according to Ebay.
So some Hacker got my credit card information, due to the policy of not
using the most recent updated software. I cancelled My credit card about
1/2 an hour after the transaction. Every kind of obstacle is standing in
my way to be able to set up a small business on Ebay. I don't have
megabucks to do this with, I'm starting small, and then growing the
business slowly. If it is not one thing then it is another. 

I've been a great fan of Ubuntu, right from 4.10, but if I can't get
around this problem, I may have to stop using Ubuntu, all together.
Ubuntu is touted as being very secure, but for a problem like this to
persist means that this might just be Hype! In lost business I may have
lost 4 to 5 figures of income since January. I'm not a fan of Windows at
all. I'm looking for something that works, that is very secure, that has
no problems with Certificates, or any other kind of security matter. If
Ubuntu is not ready to take to the web for a small business, then I may
start to look again for something that is.
As a Desktop Software system, it has been better than any other
operating system that I've ever tried out. On the Internet it was pretty
good too, until I needed to make use of Credit Cards. I've been very
happy with it most of the time. 

Buying on Ebay worked fine, no problems, but selling, and registering
the card has been a constant problem. I used to be some Computer Expert,
able to fix problems, where other people gave up long before, but those
computers are now obsolete. The newer stuff out there, and the terms
used to describe them, seem like so much "Martian" to me. I had about
twenty hobbies to pass the time, and I use Ubuntu every day. Only in
Winter do I have the time to learn more about Linux, and the Linux
Operating System. I'm still not an Expert at it. There was too much to
learn about accounting, and all the other things involved in starting a
small business, to have the time to devote to Ubuntu to learn it better,
last winter. 

****Can Firefox 3.1 be used in Ubuntu 7.10? Without causing Breaking

 8.04 for me still has a number of problems that I put on the launchpad
bug-list, but only one of those problems was really looked at, the
others were quickly marked up an non problems, because I don't know how
to get enough details in the problem statement, to provide enough clues
for the programmers to fix those problems. So I've gone back to making
use of 7.10, and perhaps 8.04 will get working some day?


-----Original Message-----
From: Cody A.W. Somerville <cody-somerville at>
Reply-To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community
<ubuntu-ca at>
To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community <ubuntu-ca at>
Subject: Re: Security Certificates
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 03:11:55 -0300

Hello Alfred,

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 3:03 AM, Alfred <alfred.s at> wrote:
        I've been having a problem with Security Certificates, on Ebay.
        says that I'm using an outdated Browser or that the Root
        Certificate of
        my browser has expired. That this is what is causing security
        certificates to show up that are not from Ebay.
        Firefox 3 had a few problems with Ebay Tools like Ebay
        Companion, not
        working, reporting that Firefox 3 was the 64 bit version.  Some
        on the Bug list fixed the problem for now. It is a problem in
        Binaries of Firefox 3


Can you provide a link to a page where you encounter this problem (or
how to get to it)?
        Anyone out there in the Ubuntu Users Community know about this
        I'm sort of baffled, by it. Not sure what to make of it, and
        don't feel
        real secure with all this "Electronic Security!"
        Thank you in advance
        ubuntu-ca mailing list
        ubuntu-ca at

Cody A.W. Somerville
Software Engineer
Red Cow Marketing & Technologies, Inc.
Office: 506-458-1290
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