loading ubuntu 7.10

Alfred alfred.s at nexicom.net
Mon Apr 7 09:25:24 UTC 2008

Hi K&N McCormick:
Usually if you burnt the ISO image correctly, when you boot up from the
Install CD, you are in Live mode. This means that the operating system
is not installed to the Hard Drive yet. It just shows you what it is
like, without touching anything else. 

On the Desktop there will be an Install Icon. Click on this Install
Icon. This now asks a few questions, about the time, Passwords. Where
you want it to go on the hard drive. Then it will do the whole install
to the hard drive Auto - Magically! Make a note about What Password, and
ID that you used, because you will need these to log on and get into the
root, for adjusting things later on.

If there are problems displaying the desktop, there are some options,
for instance Safe Graphics mode. This allows you to put 7.10 on with out
an AGP card installed in the computer. Sometimes the scan rate is too
high for your monitor, or the resolution might be too high. then you can
set these lower for your install. You can check the integrity of your
ISO image by choosing one of the options, or you can do a memory test,
testing your Computer hardware for faults. You need a minimum of 128
megs of ram, in order to boot the install disk. It is better to have
more ram like 1/2 a gig or 2 Gigs, things work better. Unlike newer
Windows operating systems you can upgrade the hardware at any time,
without begging the Linux Moguls to keep your Linux Product Key, as
there is none!

Hope these few extra points help you just a bit!

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin and Nicole McCormick <knmccormick at shaw.ca>
Reply-To: The Canadian Ubuntu Users Community
<ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-ca at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: loading ubuntu 7.10
Date: Fri, 04 Apr 2008 18:40:02 -0700

Good day,



I am not very computer savvy so forgive me for any ignorant questions.


I downloaded the Ubuntu 7.10 OS and burned to a CD. I recently received
an old IBM Net Vista with a blank hard drive. The computer has a Pentium
4 processor.


I am attempting to load the Ubuntu onto the blank drive with the CD.
When I turn the computer on I get a message of “no operating system
found. Press F1 for reboot sequence” (maybe not word for word).


The CD is running but I do not know how to start the load sequence.


Can you help?



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