Some software IDEAS

Alfred alfred.s at
Fri Nov 30 12:53:49 UTC 2007


Still haven't got 7.10's dial-up to work real good. 

We can't get High Speed where I live, so it's Dial-up. When there are
120 Upgrades to Download, you would like to do that in the background;
however doing that makes it very hard to download E-mail or anything
else. So have a little App that you can switch the Dial-Up priority
with. Something that can turn off the Background Download of Upgrades,
while the E-mails are being fetched. Something that can turn off the
E-mail and background downloads, while a new program is being loaded. On
Dial-up doing a few things at once causes the Download speed to drop to
one byte per month :) , and you might never get to download all the
upgrades. :)

I'll send you some more ideas, because that is the best I can do now. I
used to program, years ago, but after learning several different
programing languages, they kind of all flowed together. So I got
interested in other things. 


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