Maurice Murphy m1625 at rogers.com
Wed May 30 21:32:09 UTC 2007

Thanks, Pedro.  Can you be a little more specific by what you mean by 
PCM control.  My applet is currently selected to Master.  If I change to 
PCM, the applet still doesn't work.

Pedro I. Sanchez wrote:
> Maurice Murphy wrote:
>> I recently changed computers, reverting to my old Dell 8250 to get rid 
>> of a BIOS error on my HP Media Centre box.  The Dell has an Intel 
>> 82801BA-ICH2 sound card.  I now find that my volume/mute control does 
>> not work. 
>> But, I can control the volume and mute when in TVtime by use of the 
>> arrow keys and 'M' on the keyboard.  Similarly, the volume control 
>> included in Totem-xine works just fine, enabling me to mute all sound by 
>> holding down the '-' sign on the Totem volume control.
>> Does anyone have an idea how I might get the regular Feisty volume 
>> control to work? (I have tried all the available preferences and ensured 
>> that none of the choices available in 'Open Volume Control' are muted.)
>> Thanks, Maurice
> Just a guess. Your sound applet may be configured to operate on the
> wrong PCM control (there might be more than one). Right-click on it and
> select the right "track" to control.

I'm using ubuntu version 7.04 ...
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