LoCo team starting in Fredericton New Brunswick/Independent study of local colleges - Request for comments

RIchard Seguin ubuntu at nb.sympatico.ca
Thu May 24 09:30:38 UTC 2007

Other then the irc channel of course... we need people to come in and chat

RIchard Seguin wrote:
> I thought of doing a New Brunswick wide group, but it might turn out to 
> be bigger then what I can handle... For the moment lets stick to 
> Fredericton and see what happens.  I have the IRC channel setup on 
> freenode #ubuntu-fredericton and it has been registered (I am not 
> announcing any formal details until the logging bot gets approved.
> Kind of exciting :)  There is a lot we can do in Fredericton...
> Rich
> Brian Burger wrote:
>> On 5/24/07, RIchard Seguin <ubuntu at nb.sympatico.ca> wrote:
>>> Hey Brian,
>>> There is still some work to do before the group can be an official LoCo
>>> group.  My email was basically a call to the community to see who was
>>> interested.  I'm glad that we have some people! It's worth creating :)
>> I know, but who knows, a spot on the frontpage of ubuntu.ca can't
>> hurt. We've done it before for other "Are there any other Ubuntu users
>> in <city/town/region>" questions.
>> Canada has too blasted much geography, that's part of the problem!
>> Brian
>> ubuntu.ca
>> wirelizard.ca

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