Resolution Dilemma (Tee Jay Rosene)

Andy Leeman andy at
Wed May 16 13:37:27 UTC 2007

When you run off the live CD, is the resolution stuck at 640x480 as 
well? If so, try this ;

1)Open a terminal and type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf. This will 
bring up you xorg.conf file in an editor.

2) Scroll down to the part that says something similar to below;
Section "Device"
        Identifier      "Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE 
Chipset In$
        Driver          "i810"
        BusID           "PCI:0:2:0"

3)Now change the part after Driver to look like this;
Driver          "vesa"

4) save file and exit gedit.

5) restart the Xserver with ctrl+alt+backspace and you should have 
higher resolution.

6) If it worked with live CD, do the same to your installed Ubuntu. This 
will get you to a point where you can at least use the thing and try to 
get the right drivers working.

> I hope someone can help me: I'm stuck at 640x480 resolution and it's
> terrible!
> I've recently installed Kubuntu 7.04 on an IBM desktop PC with a 82845G/GL
> [Brookdale G]/GE Chipset integrated graphics Device

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